Transform Your Launch Vision into a Reality
with Unwavering Clarity and Confidence!

Make the Most of Your Valuable Time and Energy With

The Sure Fire Way To Choose A Profitable Launch Strategy In Just 60 Minutes!

Last year alone, my team and I helped our clients bank over $4.2 million from their launches.

Now, I’m ready to help you uncover a way to launch that speaks directly to your people + meets YOUR goals!

Launches don’t always go as planned.

You’ve learned through some trial and error that not all types of launches get you the results you crave.

Don’t feel bad. It’s not your fault. 

Maybe a coach, course, or mastermind recommended a launch style that works for some people but doesn’t make sense for YOUR audience. 

After all, not everyone has the time or
desire to participate in a 5-day challenge.

Or maybe you chose a type of launch that YOU didn’t have the resources or bandwidth for.

It’s okay. Sometimes, there’s no way to know what will or won’t work until you give it a test run.

...Or is there??

Imagine if you could get an outside, EXPERT perspective on the type of launch that would be perfect for you, your life, AND your ideal client.

And then, an EXACT roadmap that you could follow step by step to make sure that launch was the best possible?

So, instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall and guessing how to launch next (or just going with the latest trend), you could strategically launch in a way that will bring you the most success.

...In whatever way YOU define success. (No cookie-cutter solutions or requirements here.)

For you, launch success could look like...

  • Expanding your audience to get more eyes on your offer than ever before

  • Making more sales than you have in with previous launches

  • Getting through your launch without stress and overwhelm spilling over into your personal life

Whatever your version of success is, it’s 100% possible.

You just need an expert in your corner (like one who’s been behind the scenes of 450+ launches) to help you figure it out!

Collaborating with Jen has been pure magic. From one entrepreneur to another, you need this woman in your corner! Her expertise in strategy and implementation has allowed our small but mighty team to weather multiple launches with ease.

From Regina Thomashauer, Founder & CEO of The School of Womanly Arts


With our 60-minute 1:1 Expert

Launch Typing Call

In just ONE HOUR, you’ll know exactly what type of launch will be the most impactful for you, your business, AND your future clients.

During this 1:1 session with Jen Levitz, a seasoned launch expert and strategist, we will break down...

  • Your specific goals for your launch and your offer

  • Who you are serving and what launch style will appeal most to them

  • What type of launch would be the best fit for everything you have going on in your life and business right now (because not all launches work for everyone in every season)

After this call, you will walk away with clarity, excitement, and confidence, knowing the exact next steps to make your best-fit launch a reality!

Make it happen when you book your 1:1 Launch Typing Call.

Here’s how it works...

STEP 1: Book your 60-minute 1:1 Launch Typing Call with me, Jen Levitz, your personal Launch Strategist and Business Wizard.

STEP 2: Answer a few short questions to give me insight into you, your business, and your goals. I promise this is quick and will help us make the most of our hour together!

STEP 3: Join me on Zoom for your 60-minute launch expert call, where we will determine the best type of launch for YOU based on your life, business, goals, and audience. You’ll walk away with no doubt that you’ve chosen the right path for you. You’ll also have the tools necessary to take the next steps to make your launch happen.

STEP 4: After we determine which type of launch is best for you, you'll receive my proven launch project templates tailored to your launch style. You’ll also receive a recording and transcript from the session so you can refer back to our conversation whenever you need it.

Because of Jen’s brilliance, every possible scenario that could happen for launching my membership site was taken care of without me having to worry about anything. If you want to have the best night of sleep in your life while launching your product, then you want Jen on your team.

- Dana Malstaff CEO of

I love seeing my clients’ jaw-drop-moments when they realize just how much launch knowledge Jen has up her sleeve… She’s not the secret launch wizard behind million-dollar launches for nothing!

- Helen Henley


I’m Jen Levitz.

As a Launch Strategist and Business Wizard, I’ve been behind the scenes of over 450 launches during my decades of experience working with 7- and 8-figure business owners. 

Now, as the CEO & founder of Spellbinding Launches, I lead a team of brilliant and seasoned launch experts who are the best in the industry at what they do.

Last year alone, we helped our clients bank over $4.2 million from their launches.

Now, I’m excited to support YOU in finding the type of launch that will bring you the most success to your business — with the least amount of stress.

You know a Launch Typing Call is for you if you...

  • Previously launched, but didn’t get the results you desired. Now, you’re ready to try a different way.

  • Are launching for the first time and want to make sure you’re doing it in a way that makes the most sense for you, your business, and your audience.

  • Are tired of spinning your wheels and not knowing which direction to go in next with launching your offer.

  • Want to launch in a way that aligns with your goals AND what you’ve got going on in your life right now.

You know a Launch Typing Call is NOT for you if you...

  • Already know your audience so well that every launch meets or surpasses your goals.

  • Make 7- or 8-figures with your business each year and don’t desire more growth.

  • Have launches that run like clockwork and don’t cause overwhelm in your business or personal life.

  • Are a seasoned launch expert with decades of experience to inform your launch and business decisions.


Absolutely, but you probably won’t get the results you’re looking for.

I’ve worked with enough 6-, 7-, and 8-figure business owners on the backend of their launches to know that not every type of launch works for every business and every audience at every time. 

No, there is not a “wrong” way to launch. They all CAN work, but if you want to meet your goals and reach as many people as possible (with minimal frustration!), I recommend strategically choosing a launch style that will best support YOU.

After your 60-minute 1:1 Expert Launch Typing Call, you will walk away with...

  • Expert insight on the launch style that will work best for you, your business, and your audience right now

  • Calming assurance that you can meet your launch goals and reach the most people possible — while also making time and space for everything else going on in your life

  • Concrete next steps for making your launch happen with a proven launch project template

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never launched before. Will this help me?

Absolutely! This is a fantastic way to ensure that you’re choosing a launch type that will make the most sense for where you are in your life and business while also reaching your audience in a way that’s ideal for them.

I’ve launched several times before. Do I need this?

Yes! Even if you’ve launched dozens (or hundreds!) of times before, you may not know what’s going to work best for you and your audience right now. This call will give you outside expert advice and help you pull all of the pieces together.

After I book, do I have to do anything before our call?

The only thing I need from you before our call is answers to a few short questions. I promise it won’t take long, and it will help us make the most of our 60 minutes together when we get on the call.

What will we do on the call?

During your 60-minute Zoom call, we will talk about your business, your goals, your audience, and what you’ve got going on in your life that could impact your launch. With all of this information, we will be able to decide the type of launch that will bring you the most success and make the most sense for you and your people right now.

What happens if I can’t make my call?

Because this is a live 60-minute call, we cannot offer refunds. However, if you book your call and need to reschedule for another time, that’s okay! I get that life happens. 

You can reschedule up to 24 hours ahead of time. To change your call time, simply click the reschedule link in your confirmation email.

Please reschedule your day within 12 weeks of your initially booked week.

What platforms can I use my launch project template in?

After we determine the launch that is best for you, you will get a proven project template from the Launch Project Shop. These templates are available for Asana, ClickUp, Trello, or Notion. 

Still have more questions about this launch call magic?

Reach out to our team at